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O que são Verbos Modais?

by Andrea Giordano and Jhessika Nascimento | Dec 9, 2021

Artigo escrito por Andrea.

A aula de inglês de hoje é muito mais longa do que minha aula normal de inglês semanal, mas é um tópico importante porque hoje, estamos aprendendo sobre verbos modais.

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O que são Verbos Modais?

Modais são verbos auxiliares, também conhecidos como verbos auxiliares. Eles fornecem contexto adicional sobre o verbo principal. Os modais precedem imediatamente o verbo principal de uma frase, o que significa que vêm imediatamente antes do verbo principal de uma frase.

Exemplos dos verbos modais mais comuns são: can, could, had better, have got to, have to, might, may, need to, ought to, shall, should, and will.

Como faço para usar modais em uma frase?

modal + main verb


Neal would live in Australia if he could.

We have to finish our laundry before we can go on vacation.

Quando eu uso modais?

Existem várias razões para usar modais. Nesta lição, veremos muitos dos motivos. Você pode usar modais quando estiver fazendo planos, fazendo uma predicação, falando sobre seus sonhos ou pedindo permissão. Esses são apenas alguns dos muitos motivos sobre os quais falaremos nesta lição.

Quais são os diferentes tipos de modais?

1) Modals of Prediction

Modals of Prediction fala sobre o que alguém pensa que acontecerá no futuro.

going to

Exemplo: He is going to fail the class if he doesn’t pass this test.

Significado: He needs to pass the test, or he will fail the class.


Exemplo: I will be a millionaire by the time I am 30.

Significado: When I am 30 years old, I predict I will be a millionaire.

shall (formal, mais comum no inglês britânico, não comum no inglês americano)

Exemplo: We shall be late if we don’t leave now.

Significado: I predict we will be late if we don’t leave now.

2) Modals of Personal Intention or Planning

Modals of Personal Intention or Planning discute quais planos a pessoa tem ou o que pretende fazer.

going to

Exemplo: I’m going to go the store to pick up ingredients for tonight’s dinner.

Significado: I plan to go to the store to pick up ingredients for tonight’s dinner.


Exemplo: I will be back in 30 minutes.

Significado: I expect to return in 30 minutes.

shall (formal, mais comum no inglês britânico, não comum no inglês americano)

Exemplo: I shall not forget the kindness you’ve shown me.

Significado: I will never forget the kindness you’ve shown me.

3) Modals of Requesting and Offering Assistance

Modals of Requesting and Offering são usados ​​para pedir ajuda às pessoas ou oferecer ajuda. Eles também são usados ​​para fazer sugestões.


Exemplo: Will you assist me with making dinner?

Significado: I’m asking you if you will assist me with making dinner.


Exemplo: I would love to help you with dinner.

Significado: I am offering to help you with dinner.


Exemplo: Should we buy Kate a new purse for Christmas?

Significado: I am suggesting that we buy Kate a new purse for Christmas.

shall (formal, mais comum no inglês britânico, não comum no inglês americano)

Exemplo: Shall I help you with the dessert?

Significado: Do you want me to help you with the dessert?

4) Modals of Ability

Modals of Ability fala sobre o que alguém é capaz de fazer.


Exemplo: I can speak Italian and Chinese.

Significado: I am able to speak Italian and Chinese.

could (pretérito de can)

Exemplo: When I was younger, I could run a 6-minute mile.

Significado: When I was younger, I was able to run a 6-minute mile, but I can’t any more.

5) Modals of Permission

Modals of Permission são usados ​​para solicitar algo de alguém ou dar permissão a alguém. Os modais a seguir estão listados em ordem do mais direto ao mais educado.


Exemplo: Can I have a cup of coffee with my eggs?

Significado: I am requesting a cup of coffee with my eggs.


Exemplo: Could you pass the salt?

Significado: Please give me the salt. 


Exemplo: You may come over whenever you want.

Significado: You are allowed to come over whenever you want.

might (formal, mais comum no inglês britânico, não comum no inglês americano)

Exemplo: Might I have a word with you?

Significado: Can we have a conversation together?

6) Modals of Hypothesis

Modals of Hypothesis discute o que aconteceria em possibilidades irrealistas. Eles costumam ser usados ​​em situações em que você sonha com o futuro.


Exemplo: If I had a million dollars, I would buy a house for my parents.

Significado: If I had the chance to have a million dollars, I will buy a house for my parents.


Exemplo: Should I ever go to France, I want to see the Eiffel Tower.

Significado: If I ever have the chance to go to France, I want to see the Eiffel Tower.

7) Modals of Possibility

Modals of Possibility são usados ​​quando o falante não tem certeza da chance de algo acontecer ou não. Eles são usados ​​quando o falante está parcialmente certo, mas não completamente certo de quão verdadeiro.


Exemplo: We may have to miss the concert because of work.

Significado: There is a possibility that we cannot attend the concert because of work.


Exemplo: I might miss my flight if this traffic doesn’t clear up.

Significado: There is a possibility that I will miss my flight because the traffic is so bad.


Exemplo: They could cancel school tomorrow because of the snow.

Significado: There is a chance that they cancel school tomorrow because of the snow. 


Exemplo: Don’t take a walk in a storm, because it can be dangerous.

Significado: Don’t take a walk in a storm, because there is a possibility of danger.

8) Modals of Certainty

Modals of Certainty são usados ​​quando o falante está completamente certo do que está dizendo.


Exemplo: Kristin must be at least 25 years old, but she only looks 18.

Significado: Kristian is definitely 25 years old or older, but she only looks 18.


Exemplo: No, she can’t be over 21 years old. She just looks too young!

Significado: No, she is definitely younger than 21, because she looks so young.

9) Modals of Obligation or Requirement

Modals of Obligation or Requirement indica algo que precisa ser feito.


Exemplo: Sandra must finish the project by tomorrow if she wants to earn her bonus.

Significado: Sandra is required to finish the project in order to earn her bonus.

have to

Exemplo: I have to call my brother tonight.

Significado: I am obligated to call my brother tonight.

need to

Exemplo: He needs to get up early tomorrow.

Significado: He is required to get up early tomorrow.

have got to

Exemplo: I have got to get my driver’s license renewed!

Significado: I really (really!) need to get my driver’s license renewed!

had better

Exemplo: Her father had better come her wedding, or she’ll be upset.

Significado: Her father really needs to come to her wedding, or she’ll be upset.

10) Modals of Advice or Judgment

Modals of advice/judgement expressar o que o falante acredita ser apropriado em uma determinada situação. “Modals of advice/judgment” são usados ​​quando um falante deseja dar uma opinião sobre o que é certo ou errado.


Exemplo: Bruce should stop drinking so much at work functions if he wants to get that promotion.

Significado: I believe it’s wrong that Bruce drinks so much at work functions, and I don’t think he will get that promotion if he doesn’t stop.

ought to

Exemplo: You ought to study harder if you want to get better grades.

Significado: I believe you must study harder if you want to get better grades.

11) Modals of Probability

Modals of probability discute o que você espera que seja verdade em uma determinada situação.


Exemplo: My son should be home by 4:45 p.m.

Significado: I expect that my son will be at home by 4:45 p.m.

ought to

Exemplo: The vote ought to be counted by now.

Significado: I expect that the vote has already been counted.

A Gramática dos Modais

Os modais agem de maneira diferente dos outros verbos, porque são verbos auxiliares. Eles estão localizados antes do verbo principal. Aqui estão as 5 principais regras gramaticais modais:

Modal verbs are not followed by infinitives (to + verb).

Certo: We should make cupcakes for Lisa’s birthday.

Errado: We should to make cupcakes for Lisa’s birthday.

Modal verbs are not followed by gerunds (-ing verbs).

Certo: We might go to Prague for Spring Break.

Errado: We might going to Prague for Spring Break.

Modals do not add an –s in the third person singular (i.e. he, she, it).

Certo: She might quit her job.

Errado: She mights quit her job.

Modals do not use “do” or “did” in their question form. The modal is the question word.

Certo: Could I borrow your laptop?

Errado: Do could I borrow your laptop?

Never add suffixes (i.e. -s, -es, ed, -ing) to the second verb after the modal.

Certo: I may sleep for 10 hours tonight, after such a long day.

Errado: I may slept for 10 hours tonight, after such a long day.

Errado: He may sleeps for 10 hours tonight, after such a long day.

Comente abaixo com seu verbo modal favorito se você achou esta lição útil.

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Até a próxima, bom aprendizado!



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About Andrea

Andrea Giordano is the founder of StudyWithAndrea.com and has taught more than 1,000,000 students from 180 countries. Andrea holds a Master of Education (TESOL) from Shenandoah University, and is the former Executive Director of TESOL and ESL programs at Campbellsville University. Andrea is a proven leader in online English teaching and is driven by her passion to help you speak English clearly.

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