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Episode Twenty-Four:

Vocabulary When Flying In An English Speaking Country

by Andrea Giordano | May 9, 2019

This is your captain speaking. Today’s flight will consist of 45 vocabulary words and a lot of talk about flying.

So fasten your seat belts and welcome aboard to Study with Andrea!

I love flying. There’s nothing more exciting to me than the moment the plane lifts up off the ground and pushes me into the sky. I love watching the clouds bounce by and watching the land parade down below.

I have flown on more than 100 flights in my lifetime. Some of the flights were memorable because they were so relaxing and fun. Like the time I was served champagne and caviar in the first-class cabin of a Qatar Airways flight. It was magical! Other flights were memorable because of how stressful they were. I’ll never forget when I got sick on a flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Cape Town, South Africa. It was a flight I wish I could forget.

No matter if you love flying or hate it, you’re going to love this lesson because I’m going to equip you with the English you need to travel anywhere in the world.
We will talk a lot about air travel vocabulary. We all need English when traveling around the world, so this air travel English lesson will help you feel confident as you board your next plane. Flight attendants and pilots may also find this lesson helpful, especially when it comes to pronunciation.

We will look at 45 vocabulary words related to airplanes and air travel.

As you’re listening to this lesson, focus on two things:

  1. The meaning of each vocabulary word

For each term, I’m going to give you the definition and I’ll use it in a sentence for you. That way you can know the exact meaning of the word, but then you will also know what context to use the word in.

  1. The pronunciation of each vocabulary word

When you fly on a plane, a lot of verbal communication takes place. You need to know how to listen for these words, as well as how to pronounce them so that you can be understood. My goal is always to help you to speak clear English, and today’s lesson is no exception.

Let’s get started!

  1. airfare (noun)
    Definition: Cost of a plane ticket
    Sentence: The airfare for your flight to Athens comes to $679.
  1. aisle (noun)
    Definition: long space between seats that you walk down
    Sentence: Please keep the aisle free from all luggage.
  1. aisle seat (noun)
    Definition: place to sit next to the long walkway on a plane
    Sentence: Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
  1. baggage (noun)
    Definition: the suitcases and bags that travelers bring with them on a trip
    Sentence: Your baggage will arrive shortly, as the staff are unloading it now.
  1. baggage claim (noun)
    Definition: Place where you pick up your suitcases and bags after a flight
    Sentence: Please proceed to baggage claim to locate your suitcase.
  1. beverage (noun)
    Definition: drink
    Sentence: What beverage would you like? We have coffee, tea, and an assortment of sodas.
  1. blanket (noun)
    Definition: warm cloth covering
    Sentence: Can I please have a blanket? This plane is rather cold.
  1. board (verb)
    Definition: get on a plane
    Sentence: When boarding a plane, make sure you have your ticket out so you know what seat to sit in.
  1. boarding pass (noun)
    Definition: ticket that allows you to get on a plane
    Sentence: My boarding pass says we will arrive to Gate C3 at 7:57 a.m.
  1. bumped (adjective or verb)
    Definition: denied a seat on a plane when you have a confirmed reservation
    Sentence: I offered to be bumped from my flight because the airline offered $500 in travel vouchers for those who volunteered.
  1. cabin (noun)
    Definition: inside of an aircraft; area where passengers sit on a plane
    Sentence: Now that we are at 30,000 feet, you are free to move about the cabin.
  1. call button (noun)
    Definition: a button passengers press when they want to get the attention of a crew member
    Sentence: Can you press the call button? I would like another bottle of water.
  1. captain (noun)
    Definition: person who is the main person responsible for flying the plane
    Sentence: This is your captain speaking. We should be arriving at London Heathrow in 30 minutes.
  1. cockpit (noun)
    Definition: part of the plane where the captain and co-pilot fly the plane
    Sentence: The cockpit door is closed for the remainder of the flight.
  1. complimentary (adjective)
    Definition: free; no charge
    Sentence: Please enjoy this complimentary beverage.
  1. co-pilot (noun)
    Definition: person who helps the captain fly the plane
    Sentence: The co-pilot is there to help if the captain falls ill.
  1. domestic (noun)
    Definition: Within the same country
    Sentence: Domestic flights are a lot shorter than international ones.
  1. emergency exit (noun)
    Definition: Door that you use in case of an accident
    Sentence: I prefer to sit in an emergency exit row because there is more leg room.
  1. e-ticket (noun)
    Definition: ticket bought on the internet; short for “electronic ticket”
    Sentence: Open up your e-ticket on your phone in order to check in.
  1. excess baggage (noun)
    Definition: extra bags or suitcases for which you must pay additional money
    Sentence: You have 60 pounds of excess baggage, which will cost $50.
  1. fasten your seat belt (verb-possessive pronoun-noun)
    Definition: lock together the device that holds you in your seat
    Sentence: Please fasten your seat belts whenever you are seated.
  1. first-class (adjective)
    Definition: more expensive seats on a plane that offer better services
    Sentence: I flew first-class to Germany, and was able to sleep the whole way there.
  1. flight attendant (noun)
    Definition: steward or stewardess on an aircraft; person who provides service for passengers on an airplane
    Sentence: We thanked the flight attendants as we left the plane.
  1. gate (noun)
    Definition: place in the airport where passengers get on the airplane
    Sentence: We will be boarding at Gate A23 today.
  1. jet lag (noun)
    Definition: feeling of extreme tiredness due to traveling through different time zones
    Sentence: After traveling from Beijing to Los Angeles, I had jet lag for a week.
  1. land (verb)
    Definition: return to the ground after being in the air
    Sentence: The plane lands in 30 minutes.
  1. layover (noun)
    Definition: time in an airport between two flights
    Sentence: Our layover is long enough that we can grab lunch in the terminal.
  1. leg room (noun)
    Definition: area between your seat and the seat in front of you
    Sentence: Because I am tall, I prefer the leg room in business class.
  1. life jacket (noun)
    Definition: flotation device that saves your life in case of a water landing
    Sentence: Your life jacket can be found under your seat.
  1. motion sickness (noun)
    Definition: feeling of sickness from being moved around
    Sentence: I feel bad for Taylor because her motion sickness has been really bad on this flight.
  1. overbooked (adjective)
    Definition: when the airline has sold more tickets for a flight than there are seats on the plane
    Sentence: They are asking for volunteers to be bumped because the flight is overbooked.
  1. overhead bin/compartment (noun)
    Definition: cabinet found above seats
    Sentence: Please place your carry-on luggage in the overhead bin.
  1. passenger (noun)
    Definition: person who rides in the cabin of the plane
    Sentence: There are 136 passengers on today’s flight.
  1. passport (noun)
    Definition: official government document that allows you to travel between countries
    Sentence: Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after you travel.
  1. pilot (noun)
    Definition: person who flies the plane
    Sentence: Our pilot has 14 years of experience flying jets of this size.
  1. refreshments (noun)
    Definition: food or drinks
    Sentence: When we reach 20,000 feet of elevation, we will be around to offer you refreshments.
  1. row (noun)
    Definition: line of seats
    Sentence: Today I’m flying in row 17, seat A.
  1. runway (noun)
    Definition: strip of land (like a road for planes) where airplanes take off and land
    Sentence: We will be taxiing to the runway for another three minutes, and then we can take off.
  1. take off (verb)
    Definition: leave the ground an start flying
    Sentence: The most exciting part of flight for me is the moment when the plane takes off.
  1. taxi (verb)
    Definition: driving along the ground in a plane
    Sentence: We have been taxiing for 10 minutes now. How far away is the runway?
  1. terminal (noun)
    Definition: the airport building where passengers transfer between ground transportation and the airplanes
    Sentence: Right now we are in Terminal A, but our flight takes off in Terminal C.
  1. touch down (verb)
    Definition: land on the ground after flying
    Sentence: Our flight is scheduled to touch down in London at 6:25 a.m.
  1. travel voucher (noun)
    Definition: coupon for a future flight, used to pay for travel costs
    Sentence: Because the flight is overbooked, the airline is offering a $250 travel voucher to anyone who offers to get bumped to a later flight.
  1. turbulence (noun)
    Definition: rough or unsteady movement of air
    Sentence: The turbulence was so bad on this flight that the seat belt sign was never turned off.
  1. window seat (noun)
    Definition: seat next to the window on a plane
    Sentence: I prefer a window seat because I like to look at the ground below.

Thanks for flying Study With Andrea airlines today! As you exit the aircraft, make sure you subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or Spotify, and check your overhead bins. I hope you had a smooth English lesson, and join us again on another Study With Andrea flight soon.

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P.S. If you want to dramatically improve your pronunciation skills, take my latest course Clear English Pronunciation. People are changing their lives by taking this course! The results have been dramatic. Simply visit StudyWithAndrea.com/speak to learn more.

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The following is a TOEFL Reading practice test to help you prepare for the Reading section of the TOEFL test. 

Instructions: Read the sample passage below and then answer the questions that follow. 

TOEFL Reading Practice Passage

Gorillas are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forest of central Sub-Saharan Africa. The genus Gorilla is divided into two species: the eastern gorillas and the western gorillas (both critically endangered), and either four or five subspecies. They are the largest living primates. The DNA of gorillas is highly similar to that of humans, from 95 to 99% depending on what is included, and they are the next closest living relatives to humans after the chimpanzees and bonobos.

Gorillas' natural habitats cover tropical or subtropical forest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Although their range covers a small percentage of Sub-Saharan Africa, gorillas cover a wide range of elevations. The mountain gorilla inhabits the Albertine Rift montane cloud forests of the Virunga Volcanoes, ranging in altitude from 2,200 to 4,300 metres (7,200 to 14,100 ft). Lowland gorillas live in dense forests and lowland swamps and marshes as low as sea level, with western lowland gorillas living in Central West African countries and eastern lowland gorillas living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo near its border with Rwanda.

(#1) Gorillas move around by knuckle-walking, although they sometimes walk upright for short distances, typically while carrying food or in defensive situations. (#2) A 2018 study investigating the hand posture of 77 mountain gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (8% of the population) found that knuckle walking was done only 60% of the time, and they also supported their weight on their fists, the backs of their hands/feet, and on their palms/soles (with the digits flexed). (#3) Studies of gorilla handedness have yielded varying results, with some arguing for no preference for either hand, and others right-hand dominance for the general population. (#4)

The eastern gorilla is more darkly colored than the western gorilla, with the mountain gorilla being the darkest of all. The mountain gorilla also has the thickest hair. The western lowland gorilla can be brown or grayish with a reddish forehead. In addition, gorillas that live in lowland forest are more slender and agile than the more bulky mountain gorillas. The eastern gorilla also has a longer face and broader chest than the western gorilla. Like humans, gorillas have individual fingerprints. Their eye color is dark brown, framed by a black ring around the iris. Gorilla facial structure is described as mandibular prognathism, that is, the mandible protrudes farther out than the maxilla. Adult males also have a prominent sagittal crest.

A gorilla's lifespan is normally between 35 and 40 years, although zoo gorillas may live for 50 years or more. Colo, a female western gorilla at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, was the oldest known gorilla at 60 years of age when she died on 17 January 2017.



1. According to the passage, gorillas can live in

     a. a variety of altitudes.

     b. several different countries in Africa. 

     c. thick forests.

     d. lowland forests only. 

2. All of the following is true about gorillas EXCEPT

     a. they primarily eat smaller animals.

     b. they live in a forest habitat.

     c. their genetics are similar to humans.

     d. their diet consists of vegetation. 

3. Look at the word predominantly in paragraph 1. The word predominantly in this passage refers to

     a. impulsively

     b. unfortunately

     c. mainly

     d. lastly

4. Look at the word inhabits in paragraph 2. The word inhabits in this passage refers to

     a. lives in

     b. protects

     c. goes

     d. works

5. The author implies that

     a. most gorillas prefer using their left hand over their right.

     b. gorillas rarely walk on their knuckles.

     c. gorillas regularly walk upright for long distances.

     d. studies haven't solidly proven which hand gorillas prefer using. 

6. Why does the writer mention that the eastern gorilla also has a longer face and broader chest than the western gorilla?

     a. To validate the importance a broad chest in western gorillas

     b. To define the meaning of "broad"

     c. To highlight a physical difference between types of gorillas

     d. To demonstrate that most gorillas are identical in physical build

7. Which of the following statements is true for BOTH eastern and western gorillas. 

     a. Both eastern and western gorrilas are brown with red foreheads.

     b. Both eastern and western gorrilas have unique fingerprints.

     c. Both eastern and western gorrilas have thin hair.

     d. Both eastern and western gorrilas have light brown eyes.

8. In Paragraph 3, look at the four numbers (#1, #2, #3, #4) that indicate where the following sentence would be added to the passage. 

Such a range of hand postures was previously thought to have been used by only orangutans.

Where would the sentence best fit?


(View all the correct answers below.) 


Great job! If you're ready to take your TOEFL preparation to the next level, go to StudyWithAndrea.com/TOEFL

Answers: 1. d    2. a    3. c    4. a    5.  d   6. c    7. b    8.  #3  

Click on one of the following links to start speaking clearer English!

2) free mini-course "punctuation mistakes to avoid"
3) Clear English Pronunciation Video Course
4) English Vocabulary - Audio Files & PDF - TOEFL & IELTS


About Andrea

Andrea Giordano is the founder of StudyWithAndrea.com and has taught more than 1,000,000 students from 180 countries. Andrea holds a Master of Education (TESOL) from Shenandoah University, and is the former Executive Director of TESOL and ESL programs at Campbellsville University. Andrea is a proven leader in online English teaching and is driven by her passion to help you speak English clearly.

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