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Surgimento do e-mail

e protocolos de funcionamento

by Jhessika Nascimento and Andrea Giordano | Oct 14, 2021

O que é Email Marketing: como fazer e quais ferramentasFonte:JivoChat

Hoje vamos continuar nossos artigos sobre tecnologia. Falamos sobre o surgimento da Internet no artigo anterior e hoje o assunto será e-mail.

Minha primeira memória de e-mail

Eu (Andrea) me lembro de cerca de 26 anos atrás, quando ouvi pela primeira vez sobre e-mail. (Sim, eu sei que isso me faz parecer velho!) Meu pai me contou como ele conseguia enviar uma “carta” de um computador para outro no trabalho, sem nenhum papel. Lembro-me de como isso soou estranho para mim. Agora em 2021, não consigo imaginar minha vida sem e-mail!

Como o e-mail começou? 

O e-mail veio antes da Internet. O primeiro sistema de e-mail do mundo foi, na verdade, um programa chamado Mailbox. A caixa de correio estava nos computadores do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) em meados de 1965. Na história moderna, os serviços de comunicação global começaram no início da ARPANET em 1971.

O que é e-mail?

O correio eletrônico, ou e-mail, é um método que permite compor, enviar e receber mensagens por meio de sistemas de comunicação eletrônica. O e-mail é normalmente um modo de comunicação assíncrono, ou seja, ocorre sem a necessidade de interação em tempo real.

Protocolos de e-mail

Existem 3 protocolos para enviar e receber e-mails: SMTP, POP3 e IMAP. SMTP é responsável pelo envio; POP3 ou IMAP fornecem acesso de leitura. A escolha entre eles deve ser feita de acordo com a necessidade de cada usuário. Você pode nem saber sobre esses protocolos, se não tiver um conhecimento mais profundo de como enviar palavras por e-mail. O termo “e-mail” aplica-se tanto aos sistemas que utilizam a Internet e que se baseiam nos protocolos POP3, IMAP e SMTP, como aos sistemas denominados intranet, que permitem a troca de mensagens dentro de uma empresa ou organização e que geralmente são baseados em protocolos proprietários.

Como lemos endereços de e-mail em inglês?

Bob@companyname.com (Read: Bob at company name dot com)

Bob.example@gmail.com (Reading: Bob dot example at G mail dot com)

Vamos dar uma olhada no vocabulário relacionado à tecnologia, para que você tenha as ferramentas de que precisa para ter sucesso em inglês.

English Vocabulary to Know Section

10 vocab words:

1) SMTP  (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): protocol used to send and receive email.

2) POP3 (Post Office Protocol): a protocol for receiving email by downloading it to your computer from a mailbox on the server of an internet service provider.

3) IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol): protocol for accessing email or messages from an email server or service.

4) Asynchronous: not happening or done at the same time or speed.

5) At: graphic sign @ formed by a lowercase a surrounded by an open circle, used in e-mail addresses with the meaning of ‘in’ (subordination of place).

6) Dot: graphic sign represented as follows (.)

7) Login: a name that you enter in order to be able to use a computer system.

8) Username: a name or other word that you sometimes need to type in along with a password before you are allowed to use a computer or a website.

9) Password: a secret word or combination of letters or numbers, used for communicating with another person or with a computer to prove who you are.

10) ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network): created in 1969, it was the first computer network. Used to transmit classified military data and to link research departments across the United States.

Esqueci algum acrônimo que você deseja saber? Comente abaixo para solicitar que mais acrônimos ou termos relacionados à tecnologia sejam adicionados à lista.

Pronto para mais inglês? Fale inglês claramente ao ingressar em um dos meus cursos de inglês que mudam sua vida.

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2) English Vocabulary – Audio Files & PDF – TOEFL & IELTS 
3) Idioms in Conversation
4) Jumpstart Your English Audiobook + eBook


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Jhessika Nascimento

Jhessika Nascimento

Director of International Partnerships

Jhessika Nascimento is the Director of International Partnerships for Study With Andrea and lives in Brasilia, Brazil.

Jhessika is a bilingual teacher of English and Portuguese, studying for a Master's Degree in Strategic Management in Information Technologies at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana.
Graduation in Letters - Portuguese and English.
Postgraduate in Teaching in Higher Education.
Postgraduate in Risk Management and Cybersecurity.
Postgraduate Executive MBA in Process Management BPM-CBOK.
Postgraduate in Translation and Proofreading of Texts in English.

e: jhessika@sacksonworldwide.com

The following is a TOEFL Reading practice test to help you prepare for the Reading section of the TOEFL test. 

Instructions: Read the sample passage below and then answer the questions that follow. 

TOEFL Reading Practice Passage

Gorillas are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forest of central Sub-Saharan Africa. The genus Gorilla is divided into two species: the eastern gorillas and the western gorillas (both critically endangered), and either four or five subspecies. They are the largest living primates. The DNA of gorillas is highly similar to that of humans, from 95 to 99% depending on what is included, and they are the next closest living relatives to humans after the chimpanzees and bonobos.

Gorillas' natural habitats cover tropical or subtropical forest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Although their range covers a small percentage of Sub-Saharan Africa, gorillas cover a wide range of elevations. The mountain gorilla inhabits the Albertine Rift montane cloud forests of the Virunga Volcanoes, ranging in altitude from 2,200 to 4,300 metres (7,200 to 14,100 ft). Lowland gorillas live in dense forests and lowland swamps and marshes as low as sea level, with western lowland gorillas living in Central West African countries and eastern lowland gorillas living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo near its border with Rwanda.

(#1) Gorillas move around by knuckle-walking, although they sometimes walk upright for short distances, typically while carrying food or in defensive situations. (#2) A 2018 study investigating the hand posture of 77 mountain gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (8% of the population) found that knuckle walking was done only 60% of the time, and they also supported their weight on their fists, the backs of their hands/feet, and on their palms/soles (with the digits flexed). (#3) Studies of gorilla handedness have yielded varying results, with some arguing for no preference for either hand, and others right-hand dominance for the general population. (#4)

The eastern gorilla is more darkly colored than the western gorilla, with the mountain gorilla being the darkest of all. The mountain gorilla also has the thickest hair. The western lowland gorilla can be brown or grayish with a reddish forehead. In addition, gorillas that live in lowland forest are more slender and agile than the more bulky mountain gorillas. The eastern gorilla also has a longer face and broader chest than the western gorilla. Like humans, gorillas have individual fingerprints. Their eye color is dark brown, framed by a black ring around the iris. Gorilla facial structure is described as mandibular prognathism, that is, the mandible protrudes farther out than the maxilla. Adult males also have a prominent sagittal crest.

A gorilla's lifespan is normally between 35 and 40 years, although zoo gorillas may live for 50 years or more. Colo, a female western gorilla at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, was the oldest known gorilla at 60 years of age when she died on 17 January 2017.



1. According to the passage, gorillas can live in

     a. a variety of altitudes.

     b. several different countries in Africa. 

     c. thick forests.

     d. lowland forests only. 

2. All of the following is true about gorillas EXCEPT

     a. they primarily eat smaller animals.

     b. they live in a forest habitat.

     c. their genetics are similar to humans.

     d. their diet consists of vegetation. 

3. Look at the word predominantly in paragraph 1. The word predominantly in this passage refers to

     a. impulsively

     b. unfortunately

     c. mainly

     d. lastly

4. Look at the word inhabits in paragraph 2. The word inhabits in this passage refers to

     a. lives in

     b. protects

     c. goes

     d. works

5. The author implies that

     a. most gorillas prefer using their left hand over their right.

     b. gorillas rarely walk on their knuckles.

     c. gorillas regularly walk upright for long distances.

     d. studies haven't solidly proven which hand gorillas prefer using. 

6. Why does the writer mention that the eastern gorilla also has a longer face and broader chest than the western gorilla?

     a. To validate the importance a broad chest in western gorillas

     b. To define the meaning of "broad"

     c. To highlight a physical difference between types of gorillas

     d. To demonstrate that most gorillas are identical in physical build

7. Which of the following statements is true for BOTH eastern and western gorillas. 

     a. Both eastern and western gorrilas are brown with red foreheads.

     b. Both eastern and western gorrilas have unique fingerprints.

     c. Both eastern and western gorrilas have thin hair.

     d. Both eastern and western gorrilas have light brown eyes.

8. In Paragraph 3, look at the four numbers (#1, #2, #3, #4) that indicate where the following sentence would be added to the passage. 

Such a range of hand postures was previously thought to have been used by only orangutans.

Where would the sentence best fit?


(View all the correct answers below.) 


Great job! If you're ready to take your TOEFL preparation to the next level, go to StudyWithAndrea.com/TOEFL

Answers: 1. d    2. a    3. c    4. a    5.  d   6. c    7. b    8.  #3  

Click on one of the following links to start speaking clearer English!

2) free mini-course "punctuation mistakes to avoid"
3) Clear English Pronunciation Video Course
4) English Vocabulary - Audio Files & PDF - TOEFL & IELTS


About Andrea

Andrea Giordano is the founder of StudyWithAndrea.com and has taught more than 1,000,000 students from 180 countries. Andrea holds a Master of Education (TESOL) from Shenandoah University, and is the former Executive Director of TESOL and ESL programs at Campbellsville University. Andrea is a proven leader in online English teaching and is driven by her passion to help you speak English clearly.

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